Sosyal Bilimler - Fen - Teknoloji

Türkçe İngilizce
AGİK (1972 : Helsinki, Finlandiya) | Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (1972 : Helsinki, Finland) |
Ahid Sandığı | Ark of the Covenant |
Ahlak | Ethics |
Ahlak eğitimi | Moral education |
Ahlak eğitimi (Orta) | Moral education (Secondary) |
Ahlak sorunları | Ethical problems |
Ahlak, Edebiyatta | Ethics in literature |
Ahlak, Evrimsel | Ethics, Evolutionary |
Ahlak, Modern | Ethics, Modern |
Ahlak, İncilde | Ethics in the Bible |
Ahlaka aykırı sözleşmeler | Immoral contracts |
Ahlaki durum | Moral conditions |
Ahlaki gelişim | Moral development |
Ahlaki kültür hareketi | Ethical culture movement |
Ahmediye Mezhebi | Ahmadiyya |
Ahşap ambalajlar | Plywood containers |
Ahşap camiler | Wooden mosques |
Ahşap cepheler (Mimari) | Wooden fronts (Architecture) |
Ahşap iskeletli evler | Wooden-frame houses |
Ahşap iskeletli yapılar | Wooden-frame buildings |
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