
There are 28 carrels available to faculty members in our library.

Rules of Use of carrels

  • Carrels are reserved for faculty members and is intended for single use.
  • Carrels are lent from floor counters for 6 hours, turnkey transactions are made from the same counters.
  • If the Carrels are full, carrel reservation can be made from here. When the carrel is returned, it is held for 1 hour for the booking user.
  • Carrel extension can be done up to 4 times in one day.
  • An hourly penalty of 1TL is charged when the Carrel usage period is exceeded.
  • You can't make phone calls in the carrel
  • Food and beverages cannot be consumed in carrels
  • Valuables should not be left in carrels
  • Books belonging to the library should not be left in the carrels.
  • Carrel keys cannot be taken out of the library; in case of loss of the carrel key, the key is charged 5TL as the lost price.
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