Sosyal Bilimler - Fen - Teknoloji
Türkçe | İngilizce |
Zihin felsefesi | | Philosophy of mind | |
Zihinsel bozukluklar | | Mental Disorders | |
Zihinsel disiplin | | Mental discipline | |
Zihinsel engelli çocuklar | | Children with mental disabilities | |
Zihinsel engelli gençler | | Youth with mental disabilities | |
Zihinsel engelliler | | People with mental disabilities | |
Zihinsel iyileşme | | Mental healing | |
Zihinsel telkin | | Mental suggestion | |
Zihinsel temsil | | Mental representation | |
Zihinsel özürlü çocuklar | bkz. Zihinsel engelli çocuklar | Mentally handicapped children | see Children with mental disabilities |
Zihinsel özürlüler | bkz. Zihinsel engelliler | Mentally handicapped | see People with mental disabilities |
Zilog Z-80 (Mikroişlemci) | | Zilog Z-80 (Microprocessor) | |
Zilyedlik (Hukuk) | | Possession (Law) | |
Zilyedlik (Roma hukuku) | | Possession (Roman law) | |
Zilyedlik davaları | | Possessory actions | |
Zimbabwe | | Zimbabwe | |
Zimmetine geçirme | | Embezzlement | |
Zina | | Adultery | |
Zina (Roma hukuku) | | Adultery (Roman law) | |
Zincir mağazalar | | Chain stores | |